Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for your ongoing support of our parish through your donations to the collection as well as for your continuing generosity to our Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA).
A few years ago, I was speaking with our vocations director about a young man who was called to the priesthood. However, his parents were opposing his entry into the seminary. After a number of conversations, it turned out that the parents were afraid that they would not be able to afford the years of graduate school education for their son. When they were told that his seminary expenses were paid by the people of God through the PSA, they were relieved and delighted to support their son’s entry into the seminary. Your giving to the PSA over these past years saved a priestly vocation and is now benefiting many people through his ministry!
As we prepare for this year’s PSA, I ask that you prayerfully consider participating in the appeal. Our parish’s goal remains the same as the last couple of years: $241,000. These gifts are restricted to only those ministries listed in the PSA brochure or website. Everything we give above our goal comes back to us.
This year, we will direct the rebate toward capital expenses. At the request of the finance council, I had the diocese send us a company to assess our facilities (the diocese paid for the study). They identified $42,000 in immediate repairs and another $63,000 in the first year of long-term maintenance to be undertaken on the church and restroom building. (The school building is separate).
If you are ready to give now, please go to https://www.rcbo.org/psa-give-now/ to make your pledge or gift (Be sure to indicate St. Edward’s). I will also be with you the weekend of February 3-4 to help walk through the pledging process. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
In Christ,
Bishop Tim Freyer
