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Fr. Mike's Gospel Reflection - July 28, 2024


Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Paul urges the Ephesians to, “live in a manner worthy of the call [they] have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love…” The church in Ephesus was in disarray because people had begun to criticize each other and to lose patience with each other. Paul felt that, as they lost their relationships with one another, they would ultimately lose their relationships with Christ.

Paul knew that relationships are based on mutual respect and trust. The quickest way to erode that trust is to speak poorly about one another. He was warning them not to communicate negativity, discontent, and general unhappiness. Catholics today would do well to take Paul’s message to heart. Too often we hear vocal criticism of Pope Francis or certain Cardinals or Bishops. Sadly, Catholics today are especially impatient with or intolerant of other Catholics who may be more “traditional” or more “progressive” than they are. This is the opposite of what Paul is demanding of the Ephesians.

We must recognize that, as Catholic Christians, we are all part of a “universal” Church. We are on the same team fighting the good fight against evil. This fight is not with fellow Catholics, or even fellow Christians. It must be directed toward those in the world who would gladly see us fail. While the world revels in loudly judging and criticizing each other, we are “called” to support each other with kind words and charitable actions. Even when we disagree, we must not make negative personal comments intended to be hurtful or divisive.

Once I saw a sign on the door to a TYKE classroom that said: “THINK before you speak: Is it True, Helpful, Inspirational, Necessary, and Kind.” We are trying to teach our 4-year-olds a skill that many of us have not mastered at 34 or 54 or 74. When Paul tells the Ephesians to “bear with one another through love,” he reminds them (and us) that we cannot truly be in loving relationships with Jesus unless we are in loving relationships with one another within His Church. Paul tells us that we can only accomplish this if we are gentle and patient with others whose moral, political, or religious positions differ from our own.

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