Some folks have expressed surprise that our Oktoberfest is in September. I have it on good authority (and have confirmed with Wikipedia) that in Germany Oktoberfest starts in mid to late September, so we are following the Germans’ example. Don’t forget that it takes place this Saturday, September 25, from 4:00 pm until 8:00 pm, in the lunch area of the school. All the things you enjoyed at the last Oktoberfest will be there (minus the view we had from the bluff): brats, chicken brats, hot dogs, pretzels, biergarten, games, and great parish fellowship. I really hope you will join me there. If you are reading this message after Saturday, hopefully you already have memories of how great Oktoberfest was.
I would also like to remind you that there’s another great event at 3:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room (gym) of the school: an update presentation on our building project. The architect will describe for us the vision for the project, accompanied by great visuals of what the end result will look like. The contractor will describe (also with visuals) the progress made so far. Members of our building committee will also be present. So much has happened already, and there is so much more to come. This presentation will bring all of us up to date on where we are.
It’s exciting to have events such as these. Step by step we are getting back to “normal.” Let’s pray for a quick end to the covid pandemic, and reach out to friends and relatives who have not been to Mass for a while. Invite them to come with you, to the Oktoberfest and hopefully to Mass as well. We have a good thing going here at St. Edward the Confessor and San Felipe de Jesús, and it is great to welcome people back and also to meet new parishioners. How blessed we are!
Gratefully yours,
