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In this weekend’s passage from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul continues to remind us that we must be united in Christ despite our differences. Last week, he wrote about the different gifts that we have all received. This week, he uses the analogy of the body to describe the Church. He reminds the Corinthians, that they “are Christ's body, and individually parts of it.” He explains that, just as the body has and needs many diverse parts, the Church also relies on its diverse membership to carry on the work of Jesus.

This weekend, I will be speaking at all the masses about our 2025 Pastoral Services Appeal (“PSA”). It is a time when I ask our diverse congregation to rally in support of this particular cause as one united body. I will be sending all parishioners a letter with more details regarding PSA. I just wanted to highlight a few things at this time.

The PSA is an annual appeal led by Bishop Vann to fund critical aspects of Diocesan work such as Catholic Education, Catholic Charities of Orange County, Vocations and Seminarian Formation, the Permanent Diaconate Formation, and Priest Retirement. Each year, after reviewing the financial condition of each parish, the Bishop asks each parish to raise a specific amount for the PSA as part of its fair share in supporting the Diocese. Our goal for 2025 has yet to be announced but has been $242,000 for a couple years. Every dollar that we raise above that goal will come back to us to be used within our parish at my discretion with the advice of our parish leadership. As a result, the PSA will have both a local and global impact.

Last year, we exceeded our goal by $100,000. This year, I am hoping and praying that we can do even better. As you will see in more detail in my PSA letter, we have plans for every dollar of the surplus that we receive back from the Diocese. Among the projects that we hope to fund through PSA are improved lighting for the front of the church and plaza area, creation of an Adoration Chapel, improvements to our outdoor meditation and statue area, improvements to our child-friendly worship space, additional classroom space at the school, and ongoing improvements to our athletic field. May God bless you as you consider your PSA contribution.

On every sports team, the players are assigned roles based upon their individual talents as well as upon the needs of the team. For example, in football each team has eleven players on the field for each play. Each of those players has a specific job to perform during each play. If every player executes his job well, the team is likely to succeed. If not, it will likely fail. Some positions tend to garner a lot of attention; others are rarely noticed. Nonetheless, no team would prefer to play with only the five or six “stars” and leave the other players on the sidelines. Each of the eleven players is essential to the smooth operation of each play.

When Jesus formed His team, He surrounded Himself with twelve very average men. From our human perspective, we might even think that they had no obvious skills or talents that would enable them to even contribute to the formation of a church, much less to lead that effort. Yet, Jesus saw things differently. He chose each apostle carefully to fit a particular need. He used both talents and flaws to form a strong and successful team.

In his letter this week, St. Paul tries to explain this concept to the Corinthians. First, he wants the Corinthians (and us) to know that every Christian is essential to the success of Christianity as a whole. That’s why the Holy Spirit has bestowed upon each of us one or more very specific, but often very different, gifts which we need to use in the service of our Lord and His Church (our fellow teammates). Whether we are great speakers, compassionate consolers, passionate givers, or those devoted to prayer, we are essential to the success of our Church.

As we contemplate the gifts that the Spirit has bestowed upon us, we must be careful not to worry about who might have other “better” talents or whether we are recognized or rewarded for sharing our talents. We shouldn’t quit and go somewhere else or stop worshipping entirely because we are disenchanted with our talents. When we are down, the members of our team are called to use their talents to help us. Similarly, we are called to use our Spirit-given talents to the fullest extent of our abilities for the benefit of the team.

As we begin 2025, we begin a Jubilee Year for St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church and San Felipe de Jesus Chapel. It was 75 years ago, in 1950, that the photo on the front page of this bulletin was taken. It shows the groundbreaking ceremony for the church that is now San Felipe de Jesus Chapel. At the time, it was called St. Edward Catholic Church and it established a Catholic presence in Dana Point which has continued for 75 years.

Throughout this year, we will be celebrating our 75th Anniversary with various events to show our gratitude and joy for the blessings that God has bestowed upon us since we began. We will also be celebrating the longevity of many of our parishioners, especially those who have been here for more than 40 years.

As we recognize and celebrate our anniversary, we renew our commitment to spreading the Good News throughout Dana Point and the surrounding area. This starts with sharing the Word with our children and grandchildren. That’s the only way we can truly protect them from a very confused culture. If they come to mass each week, that’s a start. If they attend Catholic school, that’s even better. If they are in our Faith Formation programs, that’s great as well. All of these things are very helpful. However, the single most important thing that we can do for our children and grandchildren is to teach them by modeling Christian behavior for them and by helping them to form a relationship with Jesus. My son is now 31. Of all the things that I love about him, I am proudest that he attends mass nearly every week. He attends because he wants to, not because of me. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he has a relationship with Jesus Christ.

We have been baptized with fire and the Holy Spirit. May the power of our Baptism help us to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to our families and to others. May we constantly demonstrate the fiery, spirit-filled passion for the faith that we see in John the Baptist. As we begin our next 75 years as the Catholic presence in Dana Point, let us commit ourselves to teaching, inspiring, guiding and motivating God’s children in that faith.

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

33926 Calle La Primavera

Dana Point, CA 92629

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm

Saturday-Sunday 8am - 2pm

San Felipe De Jesus Chapel

26010 Domingo Ave

Dana Point, CA 92624

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