In this weekend’s passage from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul continues to remind us that we must be united in Christ despite our differences. Last week, he wrote about the different gifts that we have all received. This week, he uses the analogy of the body to describe the Church. He reminds the Corinthians, that they “are Christ's body, and individually parts of it.” He explains that, just as the body has and needs many diverse parts, the Church also relies on its diverse membership to carry on the work of Jesus.
This weekend, I will be speaking at all the masses about our 2025 Pastoral Services Appeal (“PSA”). It is a time when I ask our diverse congregation to rally in support of this particular cause as one united body. I will be sending all parishioners a letter with more details regarding PSA. I just wanted to highlight a few things at this time.
The PSA is an annual appeal led by Bishop Vann to fund critical aspects of Diocesan work such as Catholic Education, Catholic Charities of Orange County, Vocations and Seminarian Formation, the Permanent Diaconate Formation, and Priest Retirement. Each year, after reviewing the financial condition of each parish, the Bishop asks each parish to raise a specific amount for the PSA as part of its fair share in supporting the Diocese. Our goal for 2025 has yet to be announced but has been $242,000 for a couple years. Every dollar that we raise above that goal will come back to us to be used within our parish at my discretion with the advice of our parish leadership. As a result, the PSA will have both a local and global impact.
Last year, we exceeded our goal by $100,000. This year, I am hoping and praying that we can do even better. As you will see in more detail in my PSA letter, we have plans for every dollar of the surplus that we receive back from the Diocese. Among the projects that we hope to fund through PSA are improved lighting for the front of the church and plaza area, creation of an Adoration Chapel, improvements to our outdoor meditation and statue area, improvements to our child-friendly worship space, additional classroom space at the school, and ongoing improvements to our athletic field. May God bless you as you consider your PSA contribution.