Women's Retreat

Connection All sessions start with a time of connection - over a meal to relax and build friendships
Content The ALPHA talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like "Who is Jesus", "Why and how do I pray?", and "How does God guide us?"
Conversation One of the most important parts of any ALPHA is the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic in a small group format. Guests hear from others and have an opportunity to contribute/share in a jusdgement free environment.
Ministry Contact: Lupe Ojeda

Adult Confirmation
Baptized Catholic Adults seeking to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church are invited to attend Confirmation Preparation sessions to be held on 7 consecutive Thursdays starting on April 24 through June 5 with Confirmation being celebrated on Pentecost Sunday June 8 2025.
Ministry Contact: Lupe Ojeda
Para los adolescentes
El RICA, que significa Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos, es un proceso a través del cual hombres y mujeres no bautizados ingresan a la Iglesia Católica. Incluye varias etapas marcadas por el estudio, la oración y los ritos en la Misa, después de los cuales los candidatos entran en plena comunión con la iglesia a través de los sacramentos.
RICA está abierto a cualquier adulto que esté interesado en aprender más sobre la fe católica.

Contacto del Ministerio: Anne Herrick