Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This weekend we kick off our annual respect life month. This time gives us the opportunity to learn more about the Lord’s command that we uphold human life, especially advocating for those who are most vulnerable as well as support the efforts that support the lives of those who are threatened. The risks to life include abortion, euthanasia/assisted suicide as well as a variety threats during the course of life. Today, I would like to focus on abortion. During the first year of his papacy, Pope Francis addressed a group of doctors and asked them to remind people that “in all its phases and at any age, human life is always sacred…Every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to being aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before he was born, and then just after birth, experienced the world's rejection”.
Sometimes the Church is criticized for “only caring for the baby while in the womb.” However, our life centers and crisis pregnancy centers support both the parents and the child before, during and after the birth of a child. We offer free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal vitamins and maternity clothes. After the birth of a baby, we offer diapers, wipes, baby clothes, etc. every month. Additionally, we offer emotional support, spiritual support, do whatever we can to walk with the moms, dads and children. Lastly, knowing that many women choose abortion because they feel they have no other choice, we offer post-abortion healing and support through our office of family life. I hope that you will be generous in supporting the good work of these ministries as well as consider becoming a volunteer in one of the centers.
Let us pray that we may support all those who are suffering, especially women experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Bishop Tim Freyer