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God’s Plan


Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!

How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways!

These words, from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, begin our Second Reading for this Sunday. God is great, and his thoughts and plans far exceed anything we can imagine. With St. Paul, we are called to wonder and worship before the ways of God and the will of God. He has called us to the amazing adventure of striving to become saints.

Now this wonderful adventure is about to take a new turn for you and for me. Bishop Vann has asked me to move on to a new assignment. I will be leaving St. Edward the Confessor and San Felipe de Jesús on September 12th. As I think of this news, my heart is filled with gratitude for the 4½ years we have had together. What a blessing it has been to be part of such a loving, welcoming, thriving community! Thank you, with all my heart, for all you have done to make our parish the awesome place it is!

I cherish your friendship and will miss you very much. Let’s remember, though, that we never have to be more than a prayer away from each other. I beg you to pray for me, and I promise to pray for you in return. Along with the prayers, happy memories are sure to fill my heart as I recall the special time during which we have traveled toward heaven together.

Gratefully Yours,

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1 comentário

01 de set. de 2023

You being our pastor, homilist, leader, mentor and more has given our families much joy. Wish all the best. Thank you. God bless you. The O’Neill’s and the Zand’s

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